Credit Cards Can Be a Student’s Best Friend
We have all heard the negatives regarding credit cards and there certainly are things to beware of. As a college student, you are starting at the bottom of the hill and need to do all that you can to build your credit up for your adult years.
This can go the other way, however. If you are irresponsible with credit cards and your credit in general, you can find yourself behind the eight ball on nearly every major transaction in your life. Take these things into consideration if you are a college student with credit cards.
Building Your Credit
When you are just starting out, building your credit is one of the biggest things that you can do that will impact you later in life. But it is easy to dig yourself into a hole. The average college student has around four different credit cards with a combined balance in the neighborhood of $3,000-7,000.
Credit cards are not free money so don’t treat them that way. Use them for emergencies and make sure that you get the principle paid off as soon as you can. Don’t be afraid to use them; they are there for a reason. But be smart about how you spend them.
One Card Is Enough
One of the quickest ways students find themselves in credit card debt is because they have too many cards available to spend on a whim. Limit yourself to one card and spend wisely. Don’t be frivolous with your spending and you won’t find yourself in trouble.
Of course, this is obviously easier said than done. Exercising discipline is difficult, but it will benefit you down the road. Use your one credit card wisely and your credit will steadily improve over time and you will find yourself in a great position.
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Can you recommend which credit card is best for a student?
Hello, Sam. It’s hard to say because the answer depends on what exactly is available to you personally. I suggest looking at the terms closely as you need to understand exactly what you’ll be paying when you use the credit. Also, you can choose based on the benefits on offer.
I agree with Richard, benefits and interest rates are the most important things. Also, Sam, I strongly suggest you only get a card from a trusted source. I got burned hard on that one.
Yeah, Sam, only get a card from a reputed provider. Jeremy, I know your pain!
Jeremy and Samantha, I’m sorry to hear that you got into trouble, but that truly was valuable experience. Credit cards can be risky not only because of one’s spending habits. Therefore, one should always check the provider’s trustworthiness. It’s the same for all financing sources.